Brekeke Contact Center Suite Wiki

Access to call history and call recordings by SV

Default Setting

[Referencing call history]

・Only calls that include sessions of agents belonging to groups that the SV has the read permission can be viewed

[Referencing call recordings]

・Only the calls of agents belonging to the group that the SV has the supervisory authority can be viewed



Expansion of scope with Advanced options on Brekeke CA

(Available on Brekeke CA or later) = true / false (default)

If this option is true, it will be possible to view calls including sessions of agents belonging to groups that the SV does not have read permissions. = true / false (default)

If this option is true, the call recordings of agents belonging to groups that the SV does not have supervisory authority can also be viewed = true / false (default)

If this option is true, calls including sessions of extension users (non-agents) can also be viewed = true / false (default)

If this option is true, call recordings of extension users (non-agents) can also be viewed


Yes No
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