Create a call log view for each agent
Here, you’ll learn how to add a page where agents can review their own call logs and check their call recording files.
1. Add the following parameter in CIM’s advanced settings, and you can add items (max 5 items) from the menu that you wish to view in pop-up window. = < application's URL 1> = <application's name1> = < application's URL 2> = <application's name2> : = < application's URL 5> = <application's name5>
Example: history
<New menu>
1. Set the following parameter and save it at [Administrator menu] > [Settings] > [advanced option].
adminui.scripting.enabled = true
2. The “script” menu appears under the left menu.
3. Add the following script.
Script name: call_history Type: page
Sample script:
var pre_html = '<html>'; pre_html +='<head>'; pre_html +='<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="10">'; pre_html +='<title>call history</title>'; pre_html +='</head>'; pre_html +='<body><table border="1">'; pre_html +='<tr>'; pre_html +='<th nowrap>rid</th>'; pre_html +='<th nowrap>customer</th>'; pre_html +='<th nowrap>start</th>'; pre_html +='<th nowrap>end</th>'; pre_html +='<th nowrap>call time</th>'; pre_html +='<th nowrap>rfs</th>'; pre_html +='</tr>'; var suf_html = '</table></body></html>'; var select = function(request,ca,user){ var tenant=request.getParameter('tenant'); var user_id = user.getUser_id(); var limit = 3;//10 var sql = 'select a.rid,a.customer,a.start_date,a.end_date,a.call_time from `'+ tenant + '_m_call` a'; sql += ' where a.rid in ('; sql += ' select b.rid from `'+ tenant + '_r_session` b USE INDEX (r_session_index3) where b.ua_number="' + user_id + '" and (b.ua_type=32770 or b.ua_type =2 or b.ua_type =32769 or b.ua_type =1)'; sql += ' )'; sql += ' and a.type !=0 and a.invalidated = 0'; sql += ' order by a.start_date desc limit ' + limit; var con, stm; var buf = ''; try { con = ca.getConnection(); stm = con.createStatement(); var rs = stm.executeQuery(sql); while({ var rid = rs.getObject('rid'); buf +='<tr>'; buf += '<td nowrap>' + rid + '</td>'; buf += '<td nowrap>' + rs.getObject('customer') + '</td>'; buf += '<td nowrap>' + ca.toYmdhms(rs.getObject('start_date')) + '</td>'; buf += '<td nowrap>' + ca.toYmdhms(rs.getObject('end_date')) + '</td>'; buf += '<td nowrap>' + ca.toHms(rs.getObject('call_time')) + '</td>'; var url = ca.getRfsUrl(tenant,rid,user_id,request); if(url){ if(url.indexOf('audio') > 0){ buf += '<td nowrap><audio src="' + url + '" controls="controls" preload="none" ></audio></td>'; } else { buf += '<td nowrap><a href="' + url + '">download</a></td>'; } } else { buf += '<td nowrap></td>'; } } rs.close(); }finally { if(stm) { stm.close(); } if(con) { con.close(); } } return pre_html + buf + suf_html; }
4. After all set, agents can see their own call records
For security reasons, as default, tenant user cannot change scripts in CA. The tenant user can change scripts when the following parameter at the [Advanced Options] in CA is set.
script.readonly.tenant.user=false (default:true)