How to use web interface in CRM by using http connection
Example of usage:
Based on the “From number” of incoming calls, PBX send the request to CRM to search customer information. Then if there is the customer data in CRM, IVR system in PBX get the account number from CRM and plays the number.
Brekeke CCS:
CIM – or later
CRM – or later (web I/F is provided)
Brekeke PBX:
Brekeke PBX – or later (“http” module is provided in IVR designer)
1. In CRM, add the following parameter to the [Advanced options].
2. At the field settings in Brekeke CRM, create a new field.
Field Name : account number Field ID : account_number
3. In Brekeke PBX, create an IVR flow. Here, we provide the sample flow “play_account” in which the http module “get_account” is used to connect brekeke CRM. For detail, refer to the “Detail of the sample flow “play_account” ”
Detail of Sample flow “play_account“
The sample flow’s behavior:
1. When a call is received, The http module connects to Brekeke CRM. Then the module sends query to get customer information by using caller’s number.
2. If there is the customer information in CRM, get the account number.
3. The prompt module “play_account” plays the account number.
<IVR Flow: play_account>
<Properties of the HTTP module “get_account“>
[URL]: Set Brekeke CRM’s web I/F address.
*Edit the server address and port to fit your environment.
[Request Method]: GET
[HTTP headers]: Content-Type: application/json;
[Character set]: UTF8
[HTTP body]:
{ "tenantName": "demotenant1", "userId": "50101", "userPassword": "50101", "operationId": "getCustomerInfos", "operationParam": { "workspaceId": "20170802160824", "searchConditions": { "telno": "<.other_number>" } } }
*Please change the tenantName, userId, and userPassword of the CIM user for connecting to your Brekeke CRM.
*You need to enter the correct workspaceID where the customer information is stored. You can get it by mouse over the customer ID at customers page in CRM (refer to the following picture).
*Regarding the searchConditions, you do not have to edit it.
ivr.getLogger().info(response_text); var o = JSON.parse(response_text).resultValue; var c; if( o && o.count>=1 ){ c = o.customerInfos[0].fields['account_number']; } if( !c ){ c = ''; } c;
<Jump tab of the HTTP module “get_account”>