Brekeke Contact Center Suite Wiki

Show CRM agent's enhanced information on Real time reports in CA

By using the following Web-IF function, the enhanced information of each agent in CRM can be shown at real time reports in CA.

(CIM/CA/CRM v2.7.5.7 or later)


$func.system.agent.get( identifier, key )



identifier – target agent ID.

Key – any enhanced parameter.




How to Use


Example case: 

Realtime agent report at CA can show the customer ID that each agent is now dealing with.



Step 1. Set Script named “agentview” at CRM > Select tenant > [Scripts] page.

var onAgentViewModeChanged = function(view,mode){
    if(mode <= 1){
        var agentWidget = Brekeke.CTI.getClientApp().getAgentWidget();
        var ev = {key:"-customerId",value:""};

var onCustomerLoad = function(view,mode){
    var agentWidget = Brekeke.CTI.getClientApp().getAgentWidget();
    var ev = {key:"-customerId"};
    var value = view.projectName;
    if(mode == 1){
        value += ',CUSTOMERID=' + view.commonbase.fields.customer_id.getValue();
    } else if(mode == 2){
        value += ',CALL DESTINATION';
    } else {
        value += ',NEW';
    ev.value = value;

In this example, the customer id information will be got with the “-customerId” key.

*You can use any key name with prefix. System regards parameters that have “-” prefix as shared parameters, and will share them with other applications in CCS.



Step 2.  At CRM > Select Project > [Settings] >[Project Screen] > [Advanced Settings], or  CRM >Select Workspace > [Project]  > [Project Screen Settings] >  [Advanced Settings], select the following events and set script at each event.

Event Scripts
onAgentViewModeChanged agentview.onAgentViewModeChanged
onCustomerLoad agentview.onCustomerLoad



Step 3. With the following Web-IF function, the value of the paramer set at CRM can be retrieved at the agent realtime report in CA.


※When the values are retrived from the prameters, the prefix “-” of the parameters are not needed.



In the agent real time report, the customer id that each agent is now dealing with will be shown.

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