Brekeke Contact Center Suite Wiki


Stop Brekeke CIM.

In order to execute this operation, it is necessary to set the IP address that is permitted to execute in the advanced option with regular expression. Also, if you need to use a password, you must set the password in the advanced options. Changes to advanced options take effect immediately. If you do not use a password, you do not need to set a password on the advanced option.


Advanced Option properties:
webif.v1p.system.restart.hosts.allow=<IP address>




Operation Prameter:
No Parameter Note
1 password Operation execution password (only when necessary)


Response code:
Response Code Note
200 OK. Brekeke CIM successfully stopped
400 Bad Request. Parameter error or password mismatch
403 Forbidden. No access (IP restrictions, etc.)
503 Service Unavailable. Could not execute for some reason (during startup processing, etc.)



Example 1: No password setting.
curl -X POST "https://<cim-url>/webif/v1p/system/stop"


Example 2: Using password.
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"password\":\"123abc@%&\"}" "https://<cim-url>/webif/v1p/system/stop"



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