
Clearbox Radius

ClearBox Radius With Brekeke SIP Server



This manual describes how to quickly setup a ClearBox Server with Brekeke SIP Server Authentication and Accounting. If you have more questions about detail configurations on the ClearBox Radius Server, please contact ClearBox technical support:


General Setup of ClearBox

Visit Xperience Technologies website and download the ClearBox RADIUS TACACS + Server.

After installing ClearBox, open Server Manager and Configurator.

(Server Manager)

If the server cannot run, please troubleshoot by checking the “Error Log”.


To add a new client:

  • Right click on “client tool” and create a new client
  • Put Brekeke SIP Server’s IP address in the “Client IP address:” field
  • Put the shared secret information on the “Shared secret” field. Please make sure that the shared secret information you put matches the shared secret information in the file

Section 1.1 – Authentication

Click the “Allowed Protocols” button to select authentication protocols that are supported by both Brekeke SIP Server and the ClearBox server to authenticate users (ie SIP).

NOTE: You will need to edit client username and password in the Users’ Table (ClearBox_install_dir\ClearBox Server\GeneralExt\general.mdb). Once user information is successfully edited, saved, and refreshed in the file, restart ClearBox service.

REMEMBER: Depending on the type of user agent (phone) you are using, you will also need to set the correct username and password at the user agent’s configuration.

Authentication setup on Brekeke SIP Server
Go to and download the Radius Authentication plug-in. Please follow instructions in the readme.txt

  • Insert brekeke-sip-auth.jar file into the OSS_install_dir\proxy\WEB-INF\lib directory
  • Set the following parameters in (OSS_install_dir\proxy\WEB-INF\work\sv)
radius.authport = 1812
radius.acctport = 1813
radius.radiushost = Put_radius_server_IP_address
radius.sharedsecret = Put_shared_secret
net.usrdir.plugins = com.sample.radius.proxy.RadiusAuth
radius.addrealmtouser = false

Restart Brekeke SIP Server service.

On Brekeke SIP Server Admintool, enable both “INVITE” and “REGISTER” field. Save and restart Brekeke SIP Server service.

Go to Brekeke SIP Server Registered List and see if clients are display on the list. If so, it means that clients have been successfully registered to Brekeke SIP Server through ClearBox.


Section 1.2 – Accounting

Accounting setup on Brekeke SIP Server

Go to Radius Accounting plug-in. Please follow instructions in the readme.txt

  • Insert brekeke-sip-acct.jar file into the OSS_install_dir\proxy\WEB-INF\lib directory
  • Set the following parameters in (OSS_install_dir\proxy\WEB-INF\work\sv)
radius.authport = 1812
radius.acctport = 1813
radius.radiushost = Put_radius_server_IP_address
radius.sharedsecret = Put_shared_secret

Dial Plan
Add the following Dial Plan at the Admintool:

Matching Pattern:
$request = ^INVITE

Deploy Pattern:
$continue = true

Restart Brekeke SIP Server service.

Account Settings on ClearBox Server Configurator

This page allows user to specify which ClearBox Server will work with accounting data. This data contains information about user sessions and connection details, such as traffic details and session duration.

For example, if you click on [Select Accounting Status Types] > [Logged Status Types…], the available accounting status types are now displayed. Account logs are named as acctlogs_xxxxxxxx, located in ClearBox_install_dir\ClearBox Server\GeneralExt

For more detailed information on Accounting settings, please refer to ClearBox Server documentation.

Your Brekeke SIP Server is ready to work with ClearBox RADIUS Server!!!
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