Settings in

When starting Brekeke JTAPI program, it will read the property file called ““.
It should be placed in install_dir\work\ directory.

The following properties are set by default. Please change them as you need for your SIP environment.


1. SIP users info that JTAPI applications will use internally.

These users will be registered to SIP Server.

regist.local1.username =1234 --- user 1's user name
regist.local1.authuser =1234 -- user 1's SIP auth user name
regist.local1.authpassword= 1234 --- user 1's SIP auth password
regist.local1.displayname = 1234 --- user1's display name
regist.local1.expires = 3600 --- user 1's REGISTER expiration period

regist.local2.username =5678 -- user 2's user name
regist.local2.authuser =5678 --- user 2's SIP auth user name
regist.local2.authpassword= 5678 --- user 2's SIP auth password
regist.local2.displayname = 5678 -- user 2's display name
regist.local2.expires = 3600 -- user 2's REGISTER expiration period

You can add as many users as possible.
Just continue set as regist.local.username


2. SIP users info that JTAPI applications will use internally.

These users will NOT be registered to SIP Server.

nonregist.local1.username =4321
nonregist.local1.authuser =4321
nonregist.local1.authpassword= 4321
nonregist.local1.displayname = 4321

You can add as many users as possible.
Just continue set as nonregist.local.username


3. Other settings
sipproxy = --- SIP proxy IP address
sipdomain= --- SIP domain name
mysipport = 55060 --- SIP port that the JTAPI application will use 
usesameport_in_out = false -- Whether you will use the same port for both incoming and outgoing calls.
inboundsessions = 5 --- number of incoming concurrent sessions
outboundsessions = 5 --- number of outgoing concurrent sessions
#use_refer_for_attended_transfer = true --- Whether you will user REFER method for attended transfer
use_refer_for_blind_transfer = true --- Whether you will use REFER method for blind transfer
refer_response_timeout = 10000 -- REFER response timeout
send_dtmf_method = inband -- DTMF sending method option:inband, info 
send_dtmf_wait = 1000 -- inter digit wait period (millisecond)
record_tail_cut_millisecond= 2700 -- Cut length from the tail of call recording
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