Default Plug-ins
Class: RecordingFileHttpUploader
Package name: com.brekeke.pbx.plugin.recording
After every recording, Brekeke PBX send recorded file with POST requests to HTTP server. The file is sent in multipart/form-data format. Recorded data is in u-Law format.
The following properties will be sent with POST requests when a recording file is uploaded.
tenant Tenant name
rid Call’s ID
tid ID that identify SIP UA and a specific call
to User that records calls
from Number of the Callee
fileid file name (no extension displayed)
Add the following parameters (Java Properties format) at Brekeke PBX Admintool > [Options] > [Advanced] page.
Set “com.brekeke.pbx.plugin.recording.RecordingFileHttpUploader”,
such as:
com.brekeke.pbx.Setting.RECORDING_PLUGIN= com.brekeke.pbx.plugin.recording.RecordingFileHttpUploader
Specify URL of HTTP server where recording file will be uploaded.
When adding parameters, set parameters in the format “a=b&c=d”
Set “true” here when you are uploading recorded voicemail message files (default value=true)
Set “true” here when you are uploading recorded files using call recording feature (default value=true)
Set “true” here when you are uploading recorded files created for personalized greetings or name (default value=false)
Set “true” here when you want to leave the recording files after uploading to the HTTP server (default value=false)
Class: RecordingFileMove
Package name: com.brekeke.pbx.plugin.recording
After every recording, Brekeke PBX move recorded files to a specified location. Recorded data is in u-Law format. When moving the files to a different machine, you’d need to assign the folder at the different machine as a network drive of the server Brekeke PBX is installed on. (With Linux OS, you’d need to mount an NFS file system. The recorded files will be moved one by one, Brekeke PBX will not move multiple files at once.
Add the following parameters (java property format) at Brekeke PBX Admintool > [Options] > [Advanced] page.
Set “com.brekeke.pbx.plugin.recording.RecordingFileMove”
Specify file path where recorded files are moved to. Replace path name that is enclosed by “#”.
Properties that can be replaced:
tenant Tenant name
rid Call’s ID
tid ID that identify SIP UA and a specific call
to User that records calls
from Number of the Callee
fileid file name (no extension displayed)
index When index is set at parameters, Brekeke PBX will update file names by adding number from 1 and add up.
Ex. c:/root/#tenant#/#to#/#rid#_#index#.ul
With this example setting, by setting “#index#”, the files recorded in one call have unique name. As a result, Brekeke PBX will move each recorded files to specified location.
com.brekeke.pbx.plugin.recording. RecordingFileMove.VOICEMAIL
Set “true” here when you are moving saved voice message files. (default valu=ture)
com.brekeke.pbx.plugin.recording. RecordingFileMove.CALL_RECORDING
Set “true” here when you are moving recorded files using call recording feature (default value=true)
com.brekeke.pbx.plugin.recording. RecordingFileMove.OTHER_TYPE
Set “true” here when you are moving recorded files created for personalized greetings or name (default value=false)
com.brekeke.pbx.plugin.recording. RecordingFileMove.MAX_INDEX
The maximum value for index (default value=10)