Calls between two Brekeke PBX
Let’s assume you will use
Extension 1XXX at 1st PBX and
Extension 2XXX at 2nd PBX.
Create an ARS rule at 1st PBX with following patterns:
Pattern IN: to accept call from 2nd PBX
[Matching Patterns:] [From:] sip:(2...)@<2nd_PBX_IP> [To:] sip:(1...)@ [Deploy Patterns:] [To:] $1
Pattern OUT: send call with prefix 2 dialing number to 2nd pbx
[Matching Patterns:]
[To:] sip:(2...)@
[Deploy Patterns:]
[To:] sip:$1@<2nd_PBX_IP>
Create an ARS rule at 2nd PBX with following patterns:
Pattern IN: to accept call from 1st PBX
[Matching Patterns:] [From:] sip:(1...)@<1st_PBX_IP> [To:] sip:(2...)@ [Deploy Patterns:] [To:] $1
Pattern OUT: send call with prefix 1 dialing number to 1st pbx
[Matching Patterns:]
[To:] sip:(1...)@
[Deploy Patterns:]
[To:] sip:$1@<1st_PBX_IP>
Create the dialplan in both of PBXs to accept calls from peer PBX:
Click [Apply Rules] button after saving the following dailplan.
Brekeke PBX v3:
[Matching Patterns:] $request = ^INVITE $addr = <the_other_PBX_IP> $pbx.inport = (.+) [Deploy Patterns:] $target = $transport = udp $b2bua = true $auth = false &net.sip.replace.callid = false &net.sip.fixed.addrport.uas = true &net.sip.fixed.addrport.uac = true