Brekeke PBX Wiki

Click-to-Call for Microsoft Outlook

Brekeke PBX Click-to-Call for Microsoft Outlook


This software will allow you to place a call from the Microsoft Outlook contact list.

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Microsoft Outlook 2003 or Microsoft Outlook 2007


  1. Close your Outlook application.
  2. Copy Tapi3pcc.tsp
    If it is 32-bit OS, copy Tapi3pcc.tsp under 32bit folder into your system32 folder. (Ex.C:\Windows\System32)
    If it is 64-bit OS, copy Tapi3pcc.tsp under 64bit folder into your system32 folder. (Ex.C:\Windows\System32) or
    copy Tapi3pcc.tsp under 32bit folder into WoW64 directory (usually C:\Windows\SysWow64) when using Tapi3pcc for 32-bit applications.
  3. Open [Control Panel] > [Phone and Modem Options].
  4. Click [Add…] button Under [Advanced] Tab.
  5. Select [TAPI for 3PCC]
  6. click [Add] button.
  7. Fill out your extention and PBX information as below
    either by selecting installed “TAPI for 3PCC” and clicking [Configure…] button
    or from Outlook Setting Section in this document

    • ServerName – IP address or host name of Brekeke PBX. (ex.,
    • ServerPort – Tomcat Port. 18080 for Windows. 8080 is the default setting if Tomcat was installed manually.
    • ContextPath – pbx/3pcc
    • URL Parameters – You can specify additional parameters.
      For example, for the Multi-Tenant Edition of the Brekeke PBX, you can add “tenant=acme”. Usually, this field is left blank. Refer to the Brekeke PBX Administrator’s Guide (Advanced), Third Party Call Control.
    • My Number – Your extension number. (ex. 4001)
    • Call Mode – Select a mode of 3PCC.


Brekeke PBX settings
  1. Login to Brekeke PBX Admintool as an Administrator.
  2. Set your client IP address pattern at [Options] > [Settings] > [PBX system settings] > [Valid client IP pattern].
    Use regular expressions. For example, (^192\.168\..*|^172\.16\..*)


Outlook settings
  1. Open the Outlook application.
  2. Select the [Contacts] menu.
  3. Click [Auto Dialer] button on the toolbar or Select [Actions] > [Call Contact] > [New Call].
  4. Click [Dialing Options…] button.
  5. Select “LineName: Tapi3pcc for click2dial” at [Connect using line].
  6. Click [Line Properties..] button.
  7. Fill out your extention and PBX information.
    • ServerName – IP address or host name of Brekeke PBX. (ex.,
    • ServerPort – Tomcat Port. 18080 for Windows. 8080 is the default setting if Tomcat was installed manually.
    • ContextPath – pbx/3pcc
    • URL Parameters – You can specify additional parameters.
      For example, for the Multi-Tenant Edition of the Brekeke PBX, you can add “tenant=acme”. Usually, this field is left blank. Refer to the Brekeke PBX v2.x Administrator’s Guide (Advanced), Third Party Call Control.
    • My Number – Your extension number. (ex. 4001)
    • Call Mode – Select a mode of 3PCC.
  8. Click [OK] to return to the [New Call] dialog box.


How to make calls
  1. From [New Call] dialog box, Enter a phone number at [Number:].
  2. Click [Start Call]


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