Brekeke PBX Wiki

Connecting Gateways with Brekeke PBX

For the users who newly installed Brekeke latest version PBX, the following ARS rules are needed to receive or send calls with VoIP gateways.


Brekeke PBX v3 ARS rule setup for a gateway

From Brekeke PBX > [ARS], open ARS template named gw1 or gw2:

1.  At [Variable Setting] page, click [New Route].

2. Set variables as below and save the settings

[Incoming Call Number]&v1: the dialing number sent from gateway
[Forward Extension Number]&v3: Brekeke PBX extension to answer the incoming calls from gateway
[User Class]&v3: the class of Brekeke PBX extensions to allow to make outbound calls to gateway
[Gateway IP Address]&v4: gateway IP address

        save the setting

3. Go back to template, uncheck the [Disable] box at the top of template.

4. [Save] the settings

Making calls with a gateway

The above gateway setup will register gateway DID numbers to Brekeke PBX bundled SIP Server and use default dial plan named “To PBX From ITSP” to route the incoming calls from gateway to PBX and PBX extension which is set at v3.

For making outbound calls to a gateway, depending on how [Matching patterns] >[To] is defined in Pattern – OUT, you need to dial either prefix before the destination numbers or just destination numbers.


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