Brekeke PBX Wiki

Flow Selection for a tenant

This setting is available only on Brekeke PBX MT (Multi-Tenant) Edition v3.12 or later.


Flow can be created both on the PBX level or on a tenant level.

To use a flow created under PBX level, the system administrator needs to choose the flow from  [tenant menu] > [Options] >  [Flow Settings].


Any flow previously set at an IVR extension will be valid even when it is not permitted under the Flow Settings. Please note that once any changes are made to the previously set flow, the flow must be permitted under the Flow Settings.



There are two flows: “g_flow1” and “g_flow2” at the PBX level.


There are two flows: “local_flow1” and “local_flow2” at the tenant(test) level.


At the Tenant > (test) > [Extensions] >[IVR] page, flows only on the tenant level (“local_flow1” and “local_flow2”) can be selected.


To allow a tenant to use flows on the PBX level, the system administrator needs to check the boxes for the flows at the  “test” tenant> [Options] >  [Flow Settings] page.


Go back to the IVR extension setting page, “g_flow1” and “g_flow2” become available under the drop menu.


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