Brekeke PBX Wiki

FlowRunner Class

This class provides access to the current Flow and Module.  The instance of this class will be passed to the script as the variable $runner. (v3.10 or later) and the method can be called by $runner.<method name>

For v3.9 or older, the FlowRunner methods can be called in format: ivr.getFlowRunner().<method_name>

Such as:

var fr = ivr.getFlowRunner();


Void exec(String flow, String[] params )

Description: Execute another flow


flow: Flow name

params: An array of parameters


String getModuleProperty( String module, String key )

Description: Retrieves a property of the module


module: Module name

key: Key to the value

Return: A property value


String getResult( String module )

Description: Retrieves a result value of the module


module: Module name; if null, returns the result of the current module

Return: The result value


void setModuleProperty( String module, String key, String value )

Description: Set a property of the module


module: Module name

key: The key to be placed into this property of the module

value: The value corresponding to the key


void setResult( String res )

Description: Set the result of the module


res: Result of the module


String replaceWithPropertiesAndResults( String str )

Description: Replace a string value with a module property value or results


str: Source string

When replacing current variable with a module result, insert module name in square brackets [].

When replacing current variable with a module property value, insert module name and property name in angle brackets <> and separate module name and property name by period “.

Return: A string of replaced results


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