Brekeke PBX Wiki





Returns a list of extensions that match the regular expressions filter for a particular tenant.



tenant – tenant name

pattern – a regular expression that the result must match

limit – restricts the number of extensions that are returned

offset – offset of the extensions that are returned  (v3.12.4.0 or later)

type – a string representing the user type. Value can be user, ringgroup, ivr, conditional,
conference, or callback.

property_names – a string array defining property names of the values to be retrieved



If the method succeeds, it returns an array to the result field that contains the extensions for the
type requested. If the property_names is specified, it returns an array of arrays that contain the
extension as the first item and requested property_names values as the following items to the
result field (v3.7 or later). If the method fails, it returns an associative array in the error field.


Related methods:

createExtension, deleteExtension, getExtensionProperties, setExtensionProperties

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