Brekeke PBX Wiki

Integration with Microsoft Teams

This section aims to provide detailed instructions for configuring Brekeke PBX as a Session Border Controller (SBC) to connect to Microsoft Teams Direct Routing. By following these instructions, you can establish a connection between Teams and your existing telephone system, creating a seamless communication environment.


Validated Brekeke PBX version:

Brekekek PBX version 3.17.29 or later. (Support Non Media Bypass Mode only)


Topology Example:

The figures below show examples of the connection topology between Brekeke PBX and Teams Phone System. Brekeke PBX functions as a Session Border Controller (SBC) to facilitate communication between your existing telephony infrastructure and Microsoft Teams.


  • By utilizing the connection point provided by Teams Direct Routing, Brekeke PBX seamlessly integrates with Teams Phone System.
  • It can connect to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) via an Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP), acting as a bridge between the PSTN and Teams Direct Routing.
  • Brekeke PBX can be configured to interconnect with other SIP based legacy telephony systems, providing a unified communication solution.
  • Internal extension users of the Brekeke PBX can directly connect to Teams Direct Routing.





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