Brekeke PBX Wiki

Schedule Call Forwarding

Schedule call forwarding rules can be defined using conditions based on date, time, Caller ID and route information.


1. Schedule Setup

Schedule settings are applied when the specified condition (period, date, hour or Caller ID) occurs. (The action will be the same as the basic call forwarding setting.)


To set up a schedule:

  1. Create a schedule extension at [Extensions] > [Schedule].
  2. Click the [Add Forwarding Schedule] button. The menu item [Forwarding Schedule 1] will appear.
  3. To define a schedule, click the [Conditions] tab. This will open the schedule menu.
  4. Choose the dates and times during which you would like calls to be forwarded. When setting [Days of week], specify which day of which week in a month. For example: Checking “First” and “Sunday” means the schedule will only apply to the first Sunday in every month.
  5. Set call forwarding destinations as you would under the [Forward To] tab.


2. Example DD (Date of Months)

This setting will be applied on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th of each month during the specified term.


3. Example: DD-DD (Date-Duration)

This setting will be applied between the 5th and 10th and also between the 15th and 20th of each month during the specified term.


4. Example: MM/DD (Specific Date)

This setting will be applied on May 10th, May 20th, June 10th and June 20th.


5. Example: MM/DD-MM/DD (Specific Date-Period)

The setting will be applied between May 10th and June 20th, and also between August 10th and August 20th during the specified term.


6. Example: !MM/DD-MM/DD (Exclude Date-Period)

The setting will be applied at all times during the specified term, except for the dates between May 10th and June 20th or between August 10th and August 20th.


7. Example: Time
08:30 – 13:30
23:30 – 00:30

This setting will be applied between 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., and also between 11:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m.


8. Example: Caller Filter
Filter 3*
Route From any route

By adding “*” (wildcard) after a number, you can specify all numbers that start with that number.

By adding “?” after a number, you can specify any one number.


With the setting example above, when the [Matched] field is checked, all incoming calls that start with the number 3 will be forwarded according to this extension’s call forwarding settings. When the [Not Matched] field is checked, all incoming calls that start with any number other than 3 will be forwarded according to this extension’s call forwarding settings. When the [Filter] field is left blank, all incoming calls will be redirected according to this extension’s call forwarding settings.

When the [Router] field is set to “From external line,” all incoming calls through ARS routes with the [External] field checked will apply this schedule setting.

When the [Router] field is set to “Not from external line,” all incoming calls through ARS routes without the [External] field checked, or calls without an ARS route applied will apply this schedule setting.


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