Setting up Sample Program
If you are using Brekeke PBX v3.2 or later, please use Brekeke PAL Websocket instead of using Brekeke PAL.
The support for the Brekeke PAL has been discontinued since Brekeke PBX v3.11 or later.
Setup Sample Program
- In order to run the sample program, you need to download Brekeke PBX, Brekeke PAL, Microsoft .NET Framework 2.x, and Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition first.
- Make sure you have created user account in Brekeke PBX by going to [Brekeke PBX admintool] > [Users] > [New User].
- Once you have everything, unzip the sample file. Inside the sample program, there should be a “config.xml” file under both /bin/Release and /bin/Debug. It is configuration file for sample program. Open it up in any text editor program to edit it according to your situation:
[pbx] = the ipaddress of the Brekeke PBX server [port] = the Brekeke PBX port number [local] = the port number used by this sample application to receive notifications [webservice] = URL of the Brekeke PAL webservice running on the Brekeke PBX server [extension] = the extension of the sample application operator [panels] = number of panels to display per row [from] = the starting extension number to monitor [to] = the ending extension number to monitor
For instance, if [from] is 2001 and [to] is 2003, then the PAL-Sample application will monitor extensions 2001, 2002, and 2003.
- Now you should be able to run the program by double click on “PAL-Sample.exe” file, if it won’t run or some error message pops out, first check “config.xml” to make sure everything is correct inside, if they are, then try to debug it by double click on “PAL-Sample.sln” to open the project in Visual Studio. Compile and run the source code and please check for any error messages and check out “Setting Up Developing Environment”page for help.