Brekeke PBX Wiki

Call Recording Patterns (System-wide)

Administrators can set call recording patterns that are reflected system-wide. In the case of multi-tenant edition, call recording patterns can be set at each tenant.


Note: This function is available on Brekeke PBX version 3.9.3 or later




Step 1. At the [PBX] > [Options]> [Advanced] page, using the following advanced property, specify a call recording patterns list.
call.recording.pattern.note=<name of call recording patterns list>


Step 2. In this example, create a note named “RecordingPatternsList” at the [Notes] menu, and you can have a list of patterns in this note like below:
??????*            <- Calls to/from numbers with six or more digits will be recorded.
!???               <- Calls to/from numbers with 3 digits will not be recorded.


Note: Call recording patterns specified in notes will override user settings.

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