Brekeke PBX Wiki

Third-Party Call Control

Using this feature, you can connect multiple SIP UAs through an external interface. That way, you can create systems like “Click-to-Call” and “Autodialer.”


Using HTTP-GET (or POST) and the Web Service interface, you can access Brekeke PBX externally. You can use HTTP-GET by doing the following:


  • Use regular expressions to set the allowed IP patterns at Brekeke PBX Admintool > [Options] > [PBX system settings] > [Valid client IP Pattern]. *1
  • Access the URL (format as below) using HTTP protocol from your PC with the IP addresses set at [Valid client IP Pattern].


*1.  On Brekeke PBX Multi-Tenant edition, valid client IP pattern is configured at each tenant menu > [Options] > [Tenant Options] > [Settings] > [Valid 3pcc client IP pattern].


URL format



<server-ip-address>            IP address of server where Brekeke PBX is installed.

<server-port>                      The same port number you use to access Brekeke PBX Admintool.

<tenant-name>       The tenant name (Multi-Tenant PBX)

<callee-number>           The callee’s number or his/her SIP URI. (You can specify multiple numbers by dividing them with commas.)

<caller-number>      The caller’s number or his/her SIP URI.

<caller-user>                The Brekeke PBX User that is used to call out (caller). You can omit this if it is the same as “caller-number.”

<type>                         Specify “1” when you want to call both destinations simultaneously. Specify “2” when you want to connect the caller before connecting the callee.

<phone>                        An index number of the phone. (1 – 4, optional)

<page>                        true – Auto answer mode for the caller’s phone.



Brekeke PBX will return the response: “succeeded: <ID number>.” This ID will be the ID used at the [Call Status] screen for the session.


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