UC Chatbot Module Settings
Here as an use case of “UC Chatbot” module, introduce to create the simple flow that behaves a chatbot.
Note: the “UC Chatbot” features are provided as the beta release. They will be implemented as the standard release in the future.
On Brekeke PBX
Step 1. Log in Brekeke PBX Web admin tool. Go to the [PBX] > [Flow Designer] page and create a new flow “uc-chat-bot”.
Step 2. Open “UC Chatbot” folder from the menu and drag and drop the Button icon into the flow area. Then create a new module and name it as “First Question”.
Step 3. Open the “First Question” module and set the following
Step 4. Create three send message modules as the next target from “First Question” module.
Also, to finish a chat, the “Leave” module template is used. Here the “End” module is created with the “Leve” module template.
Save the flow.
On Brekeke UC
- Webchat license option is needed on Brekeke UC.
- Webchat feature is configured beforehand.
Example of Webchat settings:
Step 1. Select the tenant settings and click a “Chatbot” text link of the tenant.
Step 2. Click the “Add a new application” button.
Step 3. Set as follows;
- Enter the application name “botapp1“
- Select “Flow” type.
- Enter the flow name “uc-chat-bot” created on Brekeke PBX beforehand.
- Enter user who is in charge of the webchat target. Here as an example, the user extension “200” that has user name “Steve” is set.
Click the [Save] button.
When someone visits the webchat that user “Steve” (extension: “200”) should answer, the created chatbot will handle the chat instead of Steve.
Using the following properties at the [Properties] field on the Step 3, styles of buttons can be changed.
*.option.style *.option.ex*.text.style *.text.ex
bot1.option.style=background-color:#F3f3FF;border:2px solid #88F;border-radius:4px;color:#88F;padding:4px 8px;margin:4px 0;max-width:400px;display:block; bot1.option.ex=onmouseout=\"this.style.backgroundColor='#F3F3FF';\" onmouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor='#FCFCFF';\" bot2.text.style=font-size:x-large;font-weight:bold;color:brown;