Brekeke SIP Server Wiki

Active Sessions

The Active Sessions page shows currently active SIP sessions and their details. It also allows an administrator to end a certain session.


1. Active Sessions

The Active Sessions page shows the list of currently active SIP sessions. Click on the session ID of each session to view the details of the session.

Field Name Explanation
Session ID Session ID
From UAC’s SIP URI and its IP address and sip port
To UAS’s SIP URI and its IP address and sip port
Time Session start time
Status Session status

Status Explanation Trigger
Initializing Initializing a new session
Inviting Sending an initial request An initial request
Provisioning Preparing for setting up a session 1xx response
Ringing Ringing 18x response
Accepted Established 2xx response
Talking Talking ACK request
Closing Closing BYE or error response
Subscribe active Subscribe event type and status SUBSCRIBE requests
Transport Transport used by UAC and UAS


Item Explanation
From UAC’s SIP URI or its IP address
To UAS’s SIP URI or its IP address
Time Range Time period
Method The filtering method selection: INVITE or SUBSCRIBE
Status Session status. Enabled when INVITE SIP method is selected


2. Session Details

The session details page displays detailed information for the selected SIP session.


Field Name Explanation
Session ID Session Thread ID
From-UA Name of the UAC’s product, if available
From-IP UAC’s IP address and the transport
From-Interface Network interface address of UAC’s side
To-UA Name of the UAS’s product, if available
To-IP UAS’s IP address and the transport
To-Interface Network interface address of UAS’s side
Call-ID Call-ID
B2B-Mode B2BUA is on or off
DialPlan-Rules Dial Plan rules which are applied for the session
Port-Listen SIP listen port
Session-PlugIn Session Plug-in used to handle the session

Status Explanation Trigger
Initializing Initializing a new session
Inviting Sending an initial request An initial request
Provisioning Preparing for setting up a session 1xx response
Ringing Ringing 18x response
Accepted Established 2xx response
Talking Talking ACK request
Closing Closing BYE or error response
Session-Timeout [sec] The seconds left till current session timeout
Time-Inviting Session start time
Time-Talking Talking start time
Length-Talking Length of talking
Time-Latest- Packet The time of latest packet received
SIP-Packets-Total Total number of received SIP packets
rtp-relay RTP relay status


When RTP relay is enabled, and [rtp-relay] field shows “on”, the information below will be displayed. This information shows status of RTP streams of both [rtp-srcdst] (UAC to UAS) and [rtp-dstsrc] (UAS to UAC).

Field Name Explanation
media Media type (audio, video)
transport Transport type
payload Payload type
status Status (active, hold)
listen-port UDP port number for receiving RTP packets
send-port UDP port number for sending RTP packets
packet-count The number of packets
packet/sec The number of packets per seconds
buffer size Buffer size (bytes)
rtpex plug-in Plugin used for handling RTP exchange


Button Explanation
Disconnect Disconnects the SIP session
Back Go back to the [Active Sessions] page
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