Brekeke SIP Server Wiki


The Aliases page shows the list of alias records stored in the Alias Database. To lookup the record from the Alias Database, please use $alias.lookup or $alias.reverse conditional function in Matching Patterns.

Note:  The Alias feature is available in the Advanced Edition only.


Field Name Explanation
Alias Name Alias name of the record
Group ID Optional ID for a group of Alias records
Entity Name Entity name of the record


Button Explanation
Delete Delete the selected records

By clicking on an alias record, the alias record edit page will be displayed.


Item Explanation
Containing Text Search keywords
On Field By: Alias Name, Group ID, Entity Name
Maximum Rows Number of results to display


New Alias / Edit Alias

New Alias page helps an administrator to create a new alias record. Edit Alias page helps an administrator to modify an existing alias record.

  Item Explanation
* Alias Alias name of the record
Group ID Optional ID for a group of Alias records
* Entity Entity name of the record

(* is a required field.)


Button Explanation
New Alias Add new alias record


Import / Export

You can import and upload new alias records with the Import Alias option.

Select an alias record file in the CSV format from [Browse…] button and then click the [Upload] button to upload alias records.

The CSV format:

Alias_Name, [Group_ID], Entity_Name

 You can export the existing alias records to another location using the Export Alias option. The records will be saved in the CSV format.


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