3.2. UserRecord Class
UserRecord is the class that holds a user’s information. This object is returned from a lookup() method when Brekeke SIP Server calls the method.
UserRecord class does not contain methods. It only contains the following member variables.
Type | Variable Name | Content |
String | username | User name |
String | password | Password in plain text |
boolean | bAuthorized | A flag on whether authorized or not |
long | uid | User ID (Optional) |
long | gid | Group ID (Optional) |
String | longname | Long user name (Optional) |
String | E-mail address (Optional) | |
String | desc | Description of the user (Optional) |
long | timeexpire | Expiration (Optional) |
long | timemake | Date and time of when this record was created (Optional) |
Object | ext | For extension (Optional) |
All variables, except username, password, and bAuthorized, are optional. If Brekeke SIP Server needs to calculate an encrypted password from the plain password, and authorize by comparing the calculated password with a header field (Proxy-Authorization or Authorization) in the request from user agent, set bAuthorized = false. The default value of bAuthorized is false. If the authorization is done at the plug-in and Brekeke SIP Server does not need to do an authorization, set bAuthorized = true.