Brekeke SIP Server Wiki


The System page allows an administrator to configure a system and general network settings.


Item Default value Explanation
Server Name your-sip-sv Name of the server
Server Description your SIP Server Description for the server
Server Location your-place Location of the server
Administrator SIP URI your-sip-uri Administrator’s SIP URI
Administrator Email Address Administrator’s e-mail address
Start up auto When “auto” is set, Brekeke SIP Server will automatically start when the web server (Tomcat) is started.
  • From version 3.6, the [Start up] item is moved under the [Start/Shutdown] menu as an [Auto Start] check box.


Item Default value Explanation
Interface address 1-5 IP address(es) or FQDNs to be used as interface address(es) by Brekeke SIP Server.

They will be shown in “interface” field of the [Server Status] page.

IP addresses which can be used as interface addresses are the IP addresses assigned to the Network Interface Cards (NIC) of the computer where Brekeke SIP Server is installed.

Note: In a Windows and certain environments, Brekeke SIP Server will automatically get the local IP address. 

When the server is located behind a NAT, an administrator may need to specify the global IP address or its FQDN of the NAT in [Interface address] field.

Note: If the UPnP is enabled, Brekeke SIP Server will automatically find a router and get the global IP address.

Remote Address Pattern 1-5 The IP address(es) pattern of incoming requests

When an IP address pattern is set under an Interface address, this SIP server interface address will be used for requests whose source IP matches the related patterns

The usage will be similar to $ifdst and $ifsrc

Regular expression can be [Remote Address Pattern] fields.

Auto interface discovery off When it is set as “on”, interface address will be updated automatically.
External IP address pattern Regular-expression based IP address pattern which should be treated as an external IP address.
Internal IP address pattern Regular-expression based IP address pattern which should be treated as an internal IP address.


Item Default value Explanation
IPv6 off When it is set for “on”, IPv6 will be enabled
RFC3484’s policy table for Address Selection on When it is set for “on”, RFC3484 policy table for address selection will be enabled.


Address Filtering
Item Default value Explanation
IP address filter disable When it is set for “allow”, SIP Server will accept

SIP packets only from the IP address specified in the Filter Pattern field.

When it is set for “block”, SIP Server will accept SIP packets from IP addresses other than the IP address specified in the Filter Pattern field.

Filter pattern Specify the desired IP address pattern by Regular Expressions.

    This section is replaced by Block List > [Filtering Policy] in version 3.2 or later.


Item Default value Explanation
DNS SRV on When set as on, DNS SRV record will be used.
DNS AAAA on When set as on, DNS AAAA record will be used.
DNS Server
DNS SRV Failover on When set to on, Brekeke SIP Server DNS SRV failover feature will be enabled.
Caching period for resolved name (sec) 3600 Time period for which result of resolved DNS name will be kept. When “-1” is set, the record will be kept forever and the cache will not be refreshed.
Caching period for unknown name (sec) 600 Time period for which unresolvable DNS name will be kept.
Caching period for error (sec) 600 Time period for which the error response for a DNS name will be kept.



For using the UPnP feature, please use a router which supports UPnP and enable it at the settings of the router.

Item Default value Explanation
Enable/Disable disable When it is set to “enable”, Brekeke SIP Server will use UPnP to discover a router, to recognize the global IP address, and to manage port-forwarding.
Default router IP address The local IP address of the router
Cache size 24 Size of the internal port-mapping cache table.
Cache period

(sec, 0=disable)

86400 Cache period of the port-mapping. When “0” is set, the caching will be disabled.
Refresh Interval

(sec, 0=disable)

30 Refresh interval period of the UPnP. When “0” is set, the refresh will be disabled.


Item Default value Explanation
Java VM arguments Specify parameters (excluding “classpath”) that will be passed to the Java VM.


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