Brekeke SIP Server Wiki

BSS How to call BSS methods via REST API

Note: REST API feature is available on Brekeke SIP SERVER version 3.16.0 or later


Configuration at Brekeke Products


1. Allow REST API Access

<Brekeke SIP Server>

At the [SIP SERVER]> [Configuration] > [Advanced], by using the following property, define the client’s IP address pattern to allow REST API accesses to Brekeke SIP Server.

sipadmin.api.hosts.allow=<regular expression>

Example: Allow only local access


<Brekeke PBX>

At the [PBX][Options] > [Settings] > [Valid WebSocket Client IP Pattern] field, enter a regular expression to define the client’s IP address pattern.

For example, ^192\.168\..+$ will include any client whose IP address starts with “192.168.”


2. Authorization

Configure API Key for REST API requests. Set the following properties into the [SIP SERVER] > [Configuration] > [Advanced].

apikey.<n>=<api key>
apikey.<n>.scope=<Scope of api>

Example 1:


Example 2: multiple api scopes



In this example, the api key “asldjfjlsd” will be used as token for authorization.

Send REST requests

<Brekeke SIP Server>

http(s)://<host>:<port>/sip/api/<api scoope>/<method name>

<Brekeke PBX>

http(s)://<host>:<port>/pbx/api/<api scope>/<method name>


Sending REST requests with Postman.

Step 1. Open Postman. Then Create a GET request.

  • Enter appropriate URL of your PBX/BSS.
  • Open the [Authorization] tab and select the Type”Bearer Token“.
  • Set your API Key at the [Token] field.


Step 2. Open the [Body] tab. Following the reference of methods, set appropriate body with JSON format.


Step 3. Press Send button.


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