Brekeke SIP Server Wiki

4. Sample Code:

package  plugin ;

import java.util.* ;

public class sample

  // Parameters:
  //   arg  - arguments
  //   sippacket  - SIP packet
  //   pr  - properties

  // say hello
  //   Syntax:
  //     $sample.hello
  //   Returns:
  //     "hello"
  static public String hello( String[] arg, sippacket, Properties pr ) throws Exception
    // return the string.
    return ( "hello" ) ;

  // reverse string
  //   Syntax:
  //     $sample.reverse( string )
  //   Returns:
  //     reversed string
  static public String reverse( String[] arg, sippacket, Properties pr ) throws Exception
    if ( ( arg != null ) && ( arg[0] != null) ) {

      String  str = arg[0] ;
      StringBuffer  buf = new StringBuffer() ;
      int  m = str.length() - 1;
      int  n ; 

      for ( n = m; n >= 0; --n ) {
        buf.append( str.charAt( n ) ) ;

      return ( buf.toString() ) ;

    return ( null ) ;

  // get new address based on the username
  //   Syntax:
  //     $sample.alias( username )
  //   Returns:
  //     aliased SIP-URI
  static public String alias( String[] arg, sippacket, Properties pr ) throws Exception
    if ( ( arg != null ) && ( arg[0] != null) ) {
      String  username = arg[0] ;

      // return original SIP uri based on the username
      if ( username.equals( "user1" ) ) {
        return ( "" ) ;

      if ( username.equals( "user2" ) ) {
        return ( "" ) ;

      if ( username.equals( "user3" ) ) {
        return ( "" ) ;


    return ( null ) ;

  // get admin's SIP-URI
  //   Syntax:
  //     $sample.adminuri
  //   Returns:
  //     admin's SIP-URI
  static public String adminuri( String[] arg, sippacket, Properties pr ) throws Exception

    return ( pr.getProperty( "sv.admin.sip" ) ) ;


  // compare strings
  //   Syntax:
  //     $sample.equals( string1, string2, [string3] )
  //   Returns:
  //     "true" or "false"
  static public boolean equals( String[] arg, sippacket, Properties pr ) throws Exception

    if ( ( arg == null ) || ( arg.length < 2 ) ) {
      return ( true ) ;

    int  n ;
    if ( arg[0] == null ) {

      for ( n = 1; n < arg.length - 1; ++n ) {
        if ( arg[n] != null ) {
          return ( false ) ;

      return ( true ) ;

    for ( n = 0; n < arg.length - 1; ++n ) {
      if ( arg[n].equals( arg[n + 1] ) == false ) {
        return ( false ) ;

    return ( true ) ;

  // get uri from the web
  //   Syntax:
  //     $sample.webget
  //   Returns:
  //     new SIP-URI
  static public String webget( String[] arg, sippacket, Properties pr ) throws Exception

    // For example, if To header's SIP uri is "",
    // the new SIP uri is obtained from "".

    try {
      // get SIP uri from To header
      String  sipuri = sippacket.getUri( sippacket.getValue( "To" ) ) ;

      int  i = sipuri.indexOf( "@" ) ;
      if ( i > 0 ) {

        // get user name
        String  username = sipuri.substring( 4, i ) ;

        // get domain name
        String  domainname = sippacket.getDomainFromUri( sipuri ) ;

        // compose the web connection  weburl = new "http://" + domainname + "/" + username + ".txt" ) ; in = new new weburl.openStream() ) ) ;

        // get new SIP uri
        String  newsipuri = in.readLine().trim() ;


       if ( newsipuri.startsWith( "sip:" ) ) {
          return ( newsipuri ) ;

    catch ( Exception ex ) {

    return ( null ) ;

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