Brekeke SIP Server Wiki


SIP-METHOD PROCEDURE is a method which is called when Brekeke SIP Server receives a specified SIP-method.

Please implement only when necessary. You can specify any SIP method. But you do not need it for accounting in most cases.


For example, to use a procedure for INFO method, you will use an interface as follows.

public void procINFO( ClientStat cs, SIPpacket sippacket, boolean bRequest )


This method is called when Brekeke SIP Server receives
an INFO request or a response for INFO.


ClientStat cs – Packet sender’s client status
SIPpacket sippacket – Corresponding SIP packet
boolean bRequest – If true, this is request. If false, this is response.


You can use other SIP Methods in the same way.
For example, for unknown SIP-Method “TESTTEST“, you can use the following interface.

public void procTESTTEST( ClientStat cs, SIPpacket sippacket, boolean bRequest )



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