Brekeke SIP Server Wiki

How to setup Brekeke SIP Server to use WebSocket as SIP transport

Brekeke SIP Server supports WebSocket (WS) and WebSocket over TLS (WSS) as SIP transport protocols from version 3.4
Note:  WSS shoul be used for using WebRTC.


WebSocket (WS)
  1. Set the [WS-handling]=on in the [Configuration]->[SIP] page. The default listening port is 10080.


WebSocket over TLS (WSS)
  1. Set the [WSS-handling]=on in the [Configuration]->[SIP] page. The default listening port is 10081.
  2. Upload key and certificate files through the [Key and Certificate] section in the [Configuration]->[SIP] page.
    Refer Prepare the Key and Certificate for more details.


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