Brekeke SIP Server Wiki

Set time range in Dial Plan

From Brekeke SIP Server v3.x, “$timerange” method can be used in Dial Plan rule to restrict a call session to apply a rule when specified time range requirement is met.

$timerange( timeBegin, timeEnd )
$timerange( timeBegin, timeEnd, timezone )



true | false



Example – 1:

[Matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$timerange("9:00", "17:00") = true

When the incoming call is between 9:00am and 5:00pm, the call will apply this rule.

Example – 2:

[Matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$timerange("9:00", "17:00", "PST") = false

When the incoming call is not between 9:00am and 5:00pm at timezone PST, the call will apply this rule.

$timerange method can accept timezone name, such as PST, CST…
With above timezone name, a summer time can be calculated automatically
With time zone setting as “GMT-n”, summer time cannot be calculated.

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