Brekeke SIP Server Wiki

TCP Support Details

Configuring TCP Settings

TCP support is enabled by default.
To change the settings:

  1. Log into the browser-based PBX or SIP Server Admintool.
  2. Navigate to the SIP Server [Configuration] > [SIP] menu.
  3. Scroll down to the TCP section to make setting changes.
    [TCP Handling] – if “On”, the TCP-handling is enabled
    [Queue Size] – the size of the connection queue
    [UDP Failover] – if “On”, the SIP Server uses an UDP connection after the TCP connection fails


Dial Plan Variables

Following TCP related variables have been added to the Dial Plan interface.

  • [Matching Patterns]
    $transport: get the incoming transport type
    Syntax: $transport
    Returns: transport type (e.g. “UDP”, “TCP” )
  • [Deploy Patterns]
    $transport: set the outgoing transport type
    Syntax: $transport
    Value: transport type (e.g. “UDP”, “TCP” )


Property Variables

In addition to configuring TCP Settings from the GUI, the following property variables can also be set directly through the [Configuration] -> [Advanced] page:

  • net.tcp.loglevel.file: TCP listener’s log-level
  • net.sip.tcp.use: default: true; if true, the TCP-handling is enabled.
  • net.sip.tcp.max.connection: default: 0; the number of maximum TCP connection. zero means unlimited.
  • net.sip.tcp.size.queue: default: 50; the size of the connection queue.
  • net.sip.tcp.keepalive.use: default: false; if true, use the TCP keep-alive feature. (SO_KEEPALIVE)
  • net.sip.tcp.reuse: default: true; if true, a native connection will be reused. (SO_REUSEADDR)
  • net.sip.tcp.timer.use: default: true; if true and a TCP connection streamed any REGISTER messages, it is closed when the registration is expired.
  • net.sip.tcp.size.con.buffer: default: 8192; the buffer size for the sending and receiving.
  • net.sip.transport.try.udp: default: false; if true, the SIP Server uses an UDP connection after the TCP connection fails.
  • net.sip.transport.follow.request: default: false; if true, a SIP request packet will be sent over the same transport of the initial request packet.


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