Brekeke Contact Center Suite Wiki

CCS Reverse Proxy Settings for Blocking IP Address

In the case a reverse proxy is located in front of the Brekeke CCS Server, in order to inform the actual source IP address to the Brekeke CIM Server, these settings are needed.

Note: This feature is available on Brekeke CIM version 2.8.0 or later


Brekeke CIM > [Admin Menu] > [Advanced Settings]
Property Default value Explanation
reverse.proxy.ip null Set Reverse Proxy IP address pattern


^172\.20\.0\.1$ X-Real-IP Set HTTP header that includes actual source IP address



*The reverse proxy server needs to set an actual source ip address into the X-Real-IP header before the server forwards http requests.

Use Reverse Proxy Server >>

reverse.proxy.remoteaddr.header.value.format null If [HTTP Header pattern] is set, match the HTTP header values and use the first group (enclosed in parentheses) as the remote IP address.

If [HTTP Header pattern] is empty, use the entire HTTP header value as the remote IP address.

login.block.notification.url null URL of the remote HTTP Server where the notification will be sent when an ip address becomes blocked.



Example 1:




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