Product ID & Activation

I lost my license (Product ID) information. Where can I get it again?

When you know the registered email address

All license (Product ID) information has been sent to the registered email address. Please search your email archive for the email sent from

  • For evaluation license users, your registered email address is the one entered on the license request form.
  • For commercial license holders, your registered email address is the one you used during your purchase process.

If you can’t locate the email, you can try our Product ID Lookup to locate your license. If your product is installed already, the last 10 digits of the license information can be found at product admintool.


You don’t remember or have access to the email address 

Click here to send the following information to, we will help you locate the license information.

  • Product (Brekeke SIP Server, Brekeke PBX, etc.):
  • Version:
  • Purchased date/year (if unknown, provide approximate time):
  • Email accounts or domain that are used during the purchase (provide possible accounts):
  • Purchased method (, PayPal, PO, Reseller, etc.):


See also:

What is my license (Product ID)?

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