Brekeke PBX Wiki

Install Brekeke PBX on 32 bit or 64 bit OS

Brekeke PBX can run on a server with 64-bit CPU.

For Brekeke PBX version 3 and later:

Brekeke PBX can be installed on both 32-bit or 64-bit Operating Systems (Microsoft Windows or Linux).
There are two ways to install the product. For Windows OS, an administrator can use the executable installer. For all other platforms, an administrator needs to copy an installation package file into Apache Tomcat.


System Requirements

Check requirements >>

1. Installation for Windows with the Executable Installer


Step 1: Install Java

Install Java SE before installing the Brekeke PBX software:

Install Java >>

If you already have Java in your computer, please make sure that the Java version meets the system requirements.


Step 2: Install Brekeke PBX
  1. Obtain the executable installer and a Product ID for Brekeke PBX.
  2. Start the installer.
  3. Continue the installation by following the installer’s instructions. The Brekeke PBX will be installed automatically. If you check the [Run Brekeke PBX] box at the last stage of the installation and push the [Finish] button, the Brekeke PBX’s HTTP service will start automatically.


Step 3: Start Brekeke PBX’s HTTP service

If you did not check [Run Brekeke PBX] at the last stage of the installation, please start the BrekekePBX’s HTTP Service by the following steps.

  1. Open [Control Panel] > [Administrative Tools] > [Service].
  2. Select [Brekeke PBX] and start the service.
  3. Set server “Startup Type” as “Automatic”
  4. Restart your computer.
    The Brekeke PBX’s HTTP service will automatically start.


Step 4: Start Brekeke PBX Administration Tool (Admintool)
  1. Select [Start] > [All Programs] > [Brekeke PBX] > [Brekeke PBX Admintool].
    A web browser will open and you will see the License Agreement page. Copy and paste the Product ID you have to product ID field. Follow the instruction to activate product. (Entering the same product ID on multiple machines is not allowed.)

Note: You will need to activate the Product ID only when you are freshly installing v3.x or upgrading the product from previous version to Brekeke PBX v3.x. For all other Brekeke PBX updates do not require product activation. (Initial Activation >>)


  1. At the Admintool Login page, enter User ID and Password and push [Login] The default administrator’s User ID is “sa” and its Password is “sa”.
  1. After the login, push the [Start] button at [Status] -> [Start/Shutdown] page. If the Status is Active, the Brekeke PBX has started successfully. If the Status is Inactive, the server has not started successfully, the error should be shown.

Note: When the Bundled SIP Server’s port number (default port 5060) is already in use by another application, the server status will be shown as Inactive. For example, if you attempt to start the server while another SIP UA is running on the same computer, the server may fail to start. In this case, please stop the other SIP UA, and click the [start] button on the Admintool’s [Start/Shutdown] page.

2. Installation for Linux


Step 1: Check “Preparation before installation on Linux (Important)”.

Preparation before installation on Linux (Important) >>


Step 2: Install Java

Install Java SE before installing the Brekeke PBX software:

Install Java >>

If you already have Java in your computer, please make sure that the Java version meets the system requirements.


Step 3: Install Apache Tomcat   

Install Apache Tomcat >>


Step 4: Install Brekeke PBX  
  1. Obtain the installation package file (.war file) and a Product ID.
  2. Copy the war file into the directory “webapps”, which is located under the Tomcat installation directory.


Step 5: Start the Brekeke PBX Administration Tool
  1. Start the Tomcat.
  2. Open a web browser and access the URL http://localhost:8080/pbx
    (If you chose a http port number other than “8080” when installing Apache Tomcat, change the port number in the URL above to the number specified during your product installation.).

You will see the License Agreement page. Copy and paste the Product ID to the Product ID field. Follow the instruction to activate product. (Entering the same product ID on multiple machines is not allowed.)

Note: You will need to activate the Product ID only when you are freshly installing v3.x or upgrading the product from previous version to Brekeke PBX v3.x. For all other Brekeke PBX updates do not require product activation.  (Initial Activation >>)


  1. At the Admintool Login page, enter User ID and Password and push [Login] The default administrator’s User ID is “sa” and its Password is “sa”.


  1. After the login, push the [Start] button at [Status] -> [Start/Shutdown] page. If the Status is Active, the Brekeke PBX has started successfully.


  1. If the Status is Inactive, the server has not started successfully. The error should be shown.Note: When the Bundled SIP Server’s port number (default port 5060) is already in use by another application, the SIP server status will be shown as Inactive. For example, if you attempt to start the server while another SIP UA is running on the same computer, the server may fail to start. In this case, please stop the other SIP UA, and click the [start] button on the Admintool’s [Start/Shutdown] page.

3. Uninstall

Check Uninstall Brekeke PBX >>



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