Brekeke PBX Wiki

Connectivity diagnostics with Direct Routing

Check TLS connection:

At the  [SYSTEM] > [Tools] >[Command] , select “SIP server” at the [Target] select box and enter the following command at the [Command] field.

teamsctrl dest

Then, click the “Execute” button.

You can see the current TLS connection status for each endpoint like follows:,,,up,12/04/24 13:54:46.770-0800,497,tls-con.1: ,,,,,up,12/04/24 13:54:47.059-0800,496,tls-con.3: ,,,,,up,12/04/24 13:54:46.911-0800,497,tls-con.2: ,,



Detailed logs related to Teams Direct Routing:

At the [SYSTEM] >[Diagnostics] >[SIP Server log settings] section, check the checkbox of the category[Teams], then get a debug log.

For the details, please refer to “How to get debug logs”



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