Brekeke PBX Wiki

3. Create Routes From/To the ITSP that provides PSTN connectivity.

Refer to the Brekeke document ( ) for comprehensive guidelines on configuring routes to ITSPs for PSTN connectivity.


Here, this section provides an example of creating a route that Brekeke PBX uses to communicate with an ITSP when Brekeke PBX is used as an SBC for Direct Routing connections.


1. Download the sample ARS route file from here >>sample_siptrunk

2. Log in your Brekeke PBX and import the downloaded file at the [PBX] >[ARS] page.

3. Click the imported sample_siptrunk route in the list to move to [Variable Setting] page.

4. On the [variable Setting] page, add the new routes to allow inbound outbound calls.

5. Enter the correct values for each variable to define the route

[Route Local Variables]

Field Name Description
Route Name Enter any route name .
Tenant *Brekeke PBX Multi-Tenant edition only.

Enter tenant name in Brekeke PBX that will use this route.

SIP trunk IP IP address of the SIP trunk provided by ITSP
SIP trunk IP pattern IP address pattern of the SIP trunk with regular expression
Country code  Country code without plus “+”
Interface IP This setting is optional. It may be necessary when the server running the Brekeke product communicates with the outside world using multiple IP addresses. In most cases, this setting is not used, so leave it blank.
RTP bind IP This setting is optional. It may be necessary when the server running the Brekeke product communicates with the outside world using multiple IP addresses. In most cases, this setting is not used, so leave it blank.


Field Name Description
Route Name

*Brekeke PBX Multi-Tenant edition only.

*Please replace this with your appropriate tenant’s name.

SIP trunk IP
SIP trunk IP pattern
Country code
Interface IP <blank>
RTP bind IP <Blank>


6. Create a new dialplan rule at the [SIP SERVER] >[DialPlan] >[Rules] page to allow SIP messages from the SIP trunk.

This rule must be set with a higher priority than the default dial plan rule “To PBX”

Matching Patterns:
$addr = <PSTN SIP Trunk address pattern>

Deploy Patterns:
$auth = false

Example: new dialplan rule “To PBX from PSTN”

Matching Patterns:
$addr = 192\.123\.123\.250
Deploy Patterns:
$auth = false


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