After talking with the transfer recipient, you will have the opportunity to go back to the original session with User B.
- In this section, Call Hold refers to the unique Call Hold feature of Brekeke PBX, which is different from Call Hold using a REFER request.
1. Processing Call Transfer 1 – Attended Transfer
When User A initiates a Call Transfer, the call between Users A and B is put on hold. When User A hangs up the phone while the session between Users A and B is connecting (Figure 10, similar to Figures 6 and 9), the call between Users A and B will be transferred from User A to User C. Now Users B and C are connected.
2. Processing Call Transfer 2 – Unattended Transfer
While the session between Users A and B is on hold, User A tries to connect with User C (Figure 12, similar to Figures 6, 9 and 10). User A hangs up the phone before User C answers the call and the call is transferred to User C, after which User B waits for User C to answer the call (Figure 13).
- Using Unattended Transfer, if User C does not answer the phone, User A’s phone will ring to reestablish the call between Users A and B.