Change system log file size
The following variables can be used to change the system log file size generated by Brekeke SIP Server.
At Brekeke SIP Server Admintool > [Configuration] > [Advanced] page, set the variables below and restart Brekeke SIP Server from Admintool.
file.log.system.size = 15728640 file.log.system.overflow = 2
(15728640 Bytes = 15MB)
Default log file size is 512MB (536870912 Bytes)
Default “file.log.system.overflow” value is 3.
The value can be set to “file.log.system.overflow”
0 = continue appending logs to the same file
1 = the overflowed file will be deleted, only latest log will be saved
2 = the overflowed file will be renamed as a different file
3 = new log will not be added any more when overflow happens