Brekeke SIP Server Wiki

Version History (May 30, 2024) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the Heartbeat Action could not be saved (May 15, 2024) – Update Release
– Added the registered/listAllIpAddresses method
– Fixed minor bugs (April 10, 2024) – Update Release
– Improved Block List handling
– Improved certificate validation for TLS and STIR/SHAKEN.
– Improved STIR/SHAKEN’s key management.
– Fixed the bug where multi-byte characters were not output correctly in Push Notification for FCM.
– Fixed the bug where an exception happened under the bind setup if REGISTER’s Contact URI is *.
– Fixed minor bugs (March 10, 2024) – Standard Release
– Fixed the bug where Terminating character for user-info did not work properly (Feburary 9, 2024) – Beta Release
– Improved WebPush interoperability
– Improved STIR/SHAKEN interoperability
– Improved IPv6 interoperability
– Improved certificate file management.
– Improved Reverse Proxy handling for WebSocket
– Improved SIP Registrar performance
– Improved the Mirroring function
– Fixed the bug where an error occurred if the “tag” value was not matched under Redundancy and Failover deployment
– Fixed the bug where a response packet sent from subsequent failover destination might be unaccepted under Redundancy and Failover deployment
– Fixed the bug where an error occurred if the “tag” value was not matched under Redundancy and Failover deployment
– Fixed the bug where the monitoring timeout in Mirroring was increased even if there was no delayed monitoring response
– Fixed the bug where FCM in Push Notification didn’t handle multibyte characters correctly
– Updated Apache Tomcat version to v9.0.83 for Windows
– Fixed minor bugs (June 22, 2023) – Update Release
– Updated Apache Tomcat version to v9.0.58 for Windows
– Fixed minor bugs (Feburary 16, 2023) – Update Release
– Improved internal timer management
– Adding a field for the listening port to the Apple LPC settings
– Fixed the bug where the Application List does not show LPC properly. (December 27, 2022) – Update Release
– Added STI-CA List management
– Improved Mirroring stability
– Fixed the bug where a Mirroring’s virtual interface couldn’t be paired with a physical service interface under the binding deployment.
– Fixed the bug where some failure in blocking malicious activities.
– Fixed minor bugs (October 4, 2022) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the SIP server failed to send 100 OK on infrequent occasions
– Improved STIR/SHAKEN connectivity
– Fixed bug where the SIP server failed to process an initial INVITE request with a Route header
– Update log4j to v2.18.0
– Fixed minor bugs (August 1, 2022) – Standard Release
– Mirroring: Send an E-Mail Alert from the event when the role is changed from standalone
– Mirroring: Keep the designated role if both servers are in standalone role
– Added Apple Local Push Connectivity support
– Improved the interface binding at the RTP relay
– Added reverse proxy settings
– Fixed minor bugs (April 22, 2022) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the RTP relay did not work correctly with IPv6
– Improved performance on IPv6 handling
– Added a new Matching Patterns function: $ipv6
– Fixed minor bugs (March 7, 2022) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the RTP relay did not work correctly with IPv6
– Fixed the bug where IPv6 handling caused a parse error under certain conditions
– Fixed the bug where Push Notification caused a database error under certain conditions
– Updated Apache Tomcat version to v9.0.58 for Windows
– Fixed minor bugs (January 11, 2022) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where a virtual interface with non-5060 did not accept a SIP response when there is no default listening port binding on the same virtual interface
– Fixed the bug where the SIP server did not check a packet’s eligibility during the startup when the binding is enabled
– Fixed the bug where the virtual interface IP address could be added in the BlockList
– Fixed the bug where interface pattern order was not prioritized correctly
– Fixed minor bugs (December 10, 2021) – Standard Release
– Added improved interface and transport binding
– Added STIR/SHAKEN functions, including STI-AS and STI-VS
– Added Alias database cache
– Added support for FCM HTTPv1
– Added support for EC (Elliptic Curve) key file
– Added the feature to work behind an HTTP reverse proxy such as NGINX for WebSocket
– Added the feature to send a client certificate if it is requested over TLS/WSS handshake
– Improved transport connection connectivity
– Improved Push Notification interoperability
– Improved NAT Traversal
– Improved DNS handling
– Improved Mirroring stability
– Added the Local IP Address setting at the Mirroring menu
– Improved WebSocket connectivity by expanding the buffer size and managing fragmented frames
– Added the sending of PING over WebSocket
– Improved Failover handling
– Improved the digital certificate management
– Improved TAP connection persistence
– Improved relay function at ICE packets
– Fixed the bug where SIP proxy refused to accept received SIP packet under certain conditions if [Keep address/port mapping] is used.
– Fixed the bug where PushNotification didn’t work correctly with Multiple-Domain mode.
– Fixed the bug where the CDR function might freeze under certain conditions when the Failover plugin is used
– Fixed the bug where $ifdst was not applied in the Upper/Thru register
– Changed the export limit of the number of concurrent secure transport connections from 1000 to 2500
– Added the Console page
– Added the File Manager page
– Fixed minor bugs (June 16, 2021) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the 3rd party database is terminated on some occasions. (May 28, 2021) – Update Release
– Allowing larger header size for ws/wss transport
– Fixed a bug where it reproduces deadlock under rare circumstances (March 25, 2021) – Standard Release
– Updated Apache Tomcat version to 9.0.44 for Windows
– Fixed minor bugs (March 4, 2021) – Standard Release
– Fixed the bug that occurs during version update from v3.5.2.x or older to a newer version when Java 11 or later is used.
– Added the Topic field for APNS (Push Notifications)
– Fixed minor bugs (December 11, 2020) – Update Release
– Improved the installer and now it does not require MSVCR90.DLL
– Fixed the bug where the SIP-REGISTER handling in Standard Edition does not release thread resources under a certain conditions when it is integrated with RGS (Ametek’s Responder Gateway Server) (April 1, 2020) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where $replaceuri.from and $ don’t work
– Fixed the bug where AutoSync for the user database does not work on some occasions (Removed the UNIQUE attribute from the idx_userdir_uid index for the t_userdir table)
– Updated Apache Tomcat version to 9.0.33 for Windows
– Support AdoptOpenJDK (Windows installer)
– Fixed minor bugs (March 6, 2020) – Update Release
– Added “apns-push-type” header support in the APNS handling
– Fixed the bug where the Mirroring function didn’t remove the Service IP address during the shutdown
– Fixed the bug where the $wait4reg method didn’t work under certain conditions
– Fixed minor bugs (February 3, 2020) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the FCM plugin didn’t point to the latest endpoint URL
– Fixed the bug where the Failover plugin didn’t handle DNS-SRV failover with non-UDP transport
– Fixed the bug where DNS-SRV Load Balancing counter was increased unexpectedly
– Fixed the bug where SIP proxy returned “603 Decline” when non-UDP transport couldn’t be made under certain conditions
– Fixed the bug where WebSocket server returned HTTP “400 Bad Request” under certain conditions
– Fixed the bug where the Mirroring function didn’t use the same “realm” value for Authentication in the default
– Added the new shutdown option in Mirroring function which doesn’t trigger the switching of the role
– Added the option to accept free-formatted text for TAP
– Improved license framework.
– Fixed minor bugs (August 13, 2019) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where Brekeke SIP Server (Advanced Edition) may reject INVITE with “500 Server Internal Error” under certain condition
– Fixed the bug where, under a rare case, duplicated records are made in the registered database
– Fixed minor bugs (July 15, 2019) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where embedded database stops working when Java version 9 or later version is used
– Fixed the bug where unnecessary records remained in registered database
– Fixed the bug where Registrar for Advanced Edition will consume resources when there is no response from the database.
– Added new variable “net.rtp.openflow.matching.in_port” for adding “in_port” matching conditions in the OpenFlow function. The default value is false.
– Fixed minor bugs (April 26, 2019) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the database connection did not recover after disconnection when 3rd party database was used
– Fixed the bug, on a rare occasion, where some configurations on SIP server are not applied
– Fixed the bug where SIP server did not handle certain SDP content
– Improved OpenFlow monitoring
– Fixed minor bugs (April 12, 2019) – Update Release
– Improved the SDN and Mirroring integration
– Fixed minor bugs (March 28, 2019) – Update Release
– Improved interface address handling of mirroring function
– Fixed the bug where API Key/Server Key could not be stored in the Edit Application (GCM/FCM) page
– Fixed minor bugs (March 20, 2019) – Update Release
– Improved interface address handling of mirroring function
– Fixed the bug where the DNS resolver might block the starting of the SIP server
– Updated Apache Tomcat version to 9.0.16 for Windows
– Fixed minor bugs (December 21, 2018) – Standard Release
– Improved PRACK handling
– Fixed the bug where ACK was sent after BYE under certain conditions
– Added a script action for Heartbeat
– Fixed minor bugs (December 4, 2018) – Beta Release
– Improved mirroring function to minimize downtime and increase the efficiency of the system administrative tasks
– Improved transport connectivity
– Fixed the bug where FCM/GCM handling didn’t generate JSON data correctly under certain conditions.
– Fixed minor bugs (August 30, 2018) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the secondary server of Mirroring reported internal errors
– Fixed the bug where Mirroring Request Pattern didn’t work.
– Fixed the bug where the SIP proxy kept consuming memory under certain conditions.
– Improved Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) interoperability
– Improved transport connection connectivity
– Improved RADIUS failover
– Fixed minor bugs (May 31, 2018) – Update Release
– Added Java 10 support
– Added Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) VoIPPush and Token-based provider trust support
– Fixed minor bugs (February 2, 2018) – Update Release
– Fix the bug where deadlock occurs between phonebook and database connection (January 16, 2018) – Update Release
– Use TIMESTAMP/DATATIME as the default data type for CDR time stamps.
– Fixed the bug where multibyte character gets garbled when Tomcat 8 has been used
– Fixed minor bugs (December 29, 2017) – Standard Release
– Added CREATE TABLE statement editor in CDR
– Added SQL error log in CDR
– Fixed minor bugs (December 1, 2017) – Beta Release
– Added Phone book function
– Added new CDR function
– Improved DNS performance
– Improved Push Notification interoperability
– Fixed minor bugs (October 4, 2017) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where SRTP/RTP conversion did not start correctly when subsequent INVITE is received during the closing phase after the initial INVITE was rejected
– Fixed the bug where the routing problem occurs when a first failover destination returns 18x response with Record-Route header, and the next destination is located on localhost
– Fixed minor bugs. (August 3, 2017) – Update Release
– Improved RTP relay when ICE is used
– Added live logging update in the [Diagnostics]>[Debug Logs] page.
– Added HTTPS support in $webget() (May 26, 2017) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where TLS and WSS packet mirroring for redundancy caused a request timeout when the secondary server is not running.
– Added Multiple Dispatcher mode to execute DialPlan rules concurrently.
– Added support for Web Push for Chrome browser.
– Fixed the bug where variables to bind IP address for RTP relay did not work properly.
– Fixed minor bugs (April 21, 2017) – Update Release
– Fixed the performance issue of RTP relay
– Fixed minor bugs (April 4, 2017) – Standard Release
– Added heartbeat option to continue after a failure
– Added a setting to manage blocked IP address that has been added multiple failed try to log in
– Fixed minor bugs (March 21, 2017) – Beta Release
– Added SRTP conversion
– Added provisioning feature
– Added Dial Plan Deploy Patterns Plugin API
– Added option to disable TLS 1.0 or older
– Added function to send out alert emails for various alerts
– Added to support for binding RTP port with dial plan. (&net.rtp.bindsrc/&net.rtp.binddst)
– Fixed minor bugs (November 17, 2016) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the B2B-UA mode didn’t set correct branch-ID in re-INVITE’s ACK.
– Added timer for DNS resolver to clear suspension of failed resolved IP address. The default length is 10 minutes.
– Fixed minor bugs. (September 26, 2016) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the SIP server failed to process some characters in display name.
– Fixed the bug where, under certain conditions, the failover plugin could not close a session until timeout.
– Fixed minor bugs. (August 1, 2016) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where TLS/WSS handling stops accepting incoming connections under certain conditions.
– Fixed bug where Failover plugin could not generate ACK/BYE packet correctly when there are high CPS.
– Fixed bug where SIP proxy did not pick “transport=” parameter from Path: header.
– Fixed minor bugs. (June 20, 2016) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where ‘reason’ cannot be stored when an IP address is added through product admintool ([Blocked IP address]).
– Fixed the bug where the registrar stops accepting REGISTER’s responses replied from Upper/Thru server.
– Fixed the bug where TLS listening became slower when there are delays in TLS-handshake
– Added SDN Diagnostic
– Fixed minor bugs (May 31, 2016) – Standard Release
– Improved performance in handling of OpenFlow
– Improved interoperability in radius
– Fixed minor bugs (May 9, 2016) – Beta Release
– Added “System Administrators” page to manage multiple administrator accounts
– Added capability to send alert emails to administrators
– Added SDN feature that controls OpenFlow switch for relying RTP, blocking malicious IP addresses and applying QoS policies. With this feature, RTP packets are relayed over the switch.
– Fixed the bug where the SIP proxy didn’t handle MESSAGE with multibyte-characters correctly when it is sent over TCP/TLS
– Fixed minor bugs (February 12, 2016) – Update Release
– Added “Exact Match” in Block List Policy that is used to block or allow single IP address.
– Use WSS (WebSocket over TLS) for reaching a SIP client even when it points WS (WebSocket) if REGISTER was sent over WSS
– Fixed minor bugs (November 10, 2015) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where log has been deleted prior to the date set to delete
– Added a setting “Configuration > RTP > RTP exchanger > Send before receiving (behind NAT)”
– Fixed minor bugs (September 18, 2015) – Standard Release
– Fixed minor bugs (September 11, 2015) – Beta Release
– Updated the embedded DB HSQLDB version to v2.3.3
– Improved DialPlan editor
– Added Debug Logs feature
– Fixed minor bugs (August 17, 2015) – Beta Release
– Added support for Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android and Chrome
– Added [Command] page under [Tools] menu which allows to execute management commands
– Improved interoperability in Radius
– Fixed minor bugs (July 15, 2015) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where product admintool were not displayed correctly when Internet Explorer or Safari are used (July 14, 2015) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the Failover plug-in occasionally failed to handle late responses sent from failed destinations
– Fixed minor bugs (May 8, 2015) – Update Release
– Added Push Notification Information in [Server Status] page
– Support Push Notification for iOS 8.2 and Apple Watch
– Keep Reason header of CANCEL if it exists
– Fixed the bug where restore/back up did not work for Push Notification settings and Key files
– Fixed the bug where the SIP proxy didn’t accept CANCEL under a certain condition
– Fixed minor bugs (April 22, 2015) – Standard Release
– Added support for Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) for iOS
– Improved the method to detect interface IP addresses
– Strengthen TCP/TLS stability when a SIP UA closes connection unexpectedly
– Improved TLS/WSS connectivity
– Improved Block-List feature to detect malicious connections over TCP/TLS/WebSocket
– Improved Block-List feature to detect invalid SIP packets further
– Allow to bind a transport protocol (TCP/TLS/WS/WSS) to a certain interface
– Added PKCS#12 file support for TLS/WSS
– Added new Dial Plan method $rule.sps to calculate the Session-per-Second per Dial Plan rule
– Added new Dial Plan method $route.sps to calculate the Session-per-Second per route
– Fixed the bug where the $action=block didn’t work under a certain condition
– Fixed the bug where the [Interface address] definition is applied unexpectedly
– Fixed minor bugs (February 23, 2015) – Beta Release
– Improved TLS connectivity
– Improved network interface addresses discovery
– Added WebSocket in Standard Edition
– Fixed minor bugs (November 18, 2014) – Beta Release
– Improved WebSocket connectability
– [Evaluation Edition] 2 WebSocket connenctions added
– [Evaluation Edition] 2 TLS connections added
– Improved look & feel of the Admintool
– Fixed minor bugs (August 15, 2014) – Beta Release
– Added WS (WebSocket) support
– Added WSS (WebSocket over TLS) support
– For RTCP, added support RFC3605 and RFC5761
– Support Shared Address Space defined by RFC6598
– Fixed the bug where the TCP handling occasionally freezes when the TCP connection is disconnected unexpectedly.
– Fixed minor bugs (January 26, 2015) – Update Release
– Added “pdd-time” attribute in Radius Accounting
– Fixed the bug where Radius Accounting didn’t put actual remote IP address in “h323-remote-address” attribute under certain conditions (October 16, 2014) – Update Release
– Improve the Failover plugin for handling response packets received with delays
– Fixed minor bugs (September 19, 2014) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the Radius Accounting fails under heavy load
– Fixed the bug where the TCP handling occasionally freezes when the TCP connection is disconnected unexpectedly
– Fixed minor bugs (July 1, 2014) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug that the details of Dial Plan History cannot be displayed
– Fixed the bug where re-INVITE after 407 might not be resend correctly
– Fixed the bug where keep-alive SIP packet doesn’t have the valid SIP-URI in To header
– Fixed the bug where the SIP Server didn’t parse OS’s network configuration file correctly in certain Linux distributions (March 3, 2014) – Standard Release
– Return 603 response when the unprocessed time of the request packet passed predefined length
– Improved performance in Failover plugin
– Improved the server to perform properly releasing resources
– Fixed the bug where the [Active Sessions] page couldn’t disconnect certain sessions
– Fixed minor bugs (January 31, 2014) – Standard Release
– Support certificate chaining for TLS
– Support PEM formatted certificate and key files for TLS
– Fixed the bug where the TCP/TLS connection might not accept REGISTRER if it indicates “Contact: *”.
– Fixed the bug where the [Active Sessions] page didn’t show sessions made by the previous day.
– Fixed the bug where the [Active Sessions] page might not show sessions correctly if there are SUBSCRIBE sessions.
– Fixed the bug where the [Remote Address Pattern] didn’t work if it is for the exiting interface address. (December 11, 2013) – Beta Release
– Added RFC4574 (SDP Label Attribute) support
– Added RFC4796 (SDP Content Attribute) support
– Improved NAT Keep-Alive handling
– Improved DNS configuration
– Improved Block-List feature to detect war dialing
– Fixed minor bugs (September 30, 2013) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the SIP proxy didn’t accept certain kinds of Via header.
– Changed the default value of [Block List] > [Settings] > [Attempt Tracking] > [Multiple Accesses].
– Fixed minor bugs. (September 20, 2013) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the SIP proxy kept sending 407 to SUBSCRIBE
– Fixed the bug where the Mirroring function didn’t handle TLS correctly after failover happened.
– Fixed the bug where the Mirroring function didn’t work when both TLS and TCP are used simultaneously.
– Added the [Do not Block Local IP Address] in the Block List function for excluding SIP packets sent from local network
– Fixed minor bugs (Aug 29, 2013) – Standard Release
– Added [Block List Status] in the [Server Status] page
– Added User-Agent in the [Call Logs] page
– Added the [Pattern] in [Interface address] settings which used for selecting a matched interface address
– Added new field [Adjusted Expires] in the [Configuration]->[SIP] page which adjusts REGISTER expiration period
– Added searchable filter by User-Agent at [Registered Clients] page
– Fixed minor bugs (Aug 9, 2013) – Beta Release
– Fixed minor bugs (July 26, 2013) – Beta Release
– Improved performance in DNS resolver
– Improved performance in Radius client
– Improved TLS handling
– Improved DialPlan syntaxes
– Added Error Log feature
– Added Block List feature
– Fixed the bug where the SIP proxy didn’t allow to relay RTP between AVP and SAVP
– Added Auto Sync for User Authentication
– Added drag and drop feature to change priorities for DialPlan rules
– Fixed minor bugs (Aug 6, 2013) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where CANCEL request might be rejected with 481 under Advanced Edition.
– Fixed the bug where SUBSCRIBE session doesn’t timeout in “active” status. (July 15, 2013) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where RTP relay did not work when SIP server tries to use the port that is already in used by other application (Windows OS)
– Fixed the bug where SIP server reject CANCEL with a response, “481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist”, when CANCEL was received before INVITE session was made. (June 04, 2013) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where value set at “Timeout” and “Interval” were not applied at Heatbeat setting.
– Fixed the bug where the TLS listener didn’t handle the case correctly when connection timeout happen during the handshaking process.
– Fixed minor bugs (March 26, 2013) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where SIP server could not handle RTP relay when the size of the RTPpacket is large (March 1, 2013) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the SIP proxy did not handle CANCEL correctly when the destination requests INVITE authentication
– Fixed the bug where RTP session timeout did not work under certain conditions
– Fixed minor bugs (January 24, 2013) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the SIP proxy might not release session resources when a subsequent SIP request contains an invalid From-tag. (January 16, 2013) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the TCP/TLS handling couldn’t send a reply if Contact header is not parsable.
– Fixed the bug where the SIP proxy couldn’t parse “multipart/mixed” content correctly in the
default settings.
– Added the [Certificate Information] in the Status page when TLS is enabled.
– Fixed minor bugs (December 14, 2012) – Standard Release
– Fixed the bug where the memory leak occurs when there are heavy traffic.
– Fixed the bug where the Advanced Edition might not release TCP/TLS resources when a phone disconnects TCP/TLS connection in each SUBSCRIBE request.
– Fixed the bug where the SIP server may not automatically enable RTP-relay in the default settings when content-type contain a capital letter.
– Fixed the bug where the SIP server may not parse some formats of body which sent from TCP/TLS.
– Added GUI settings for authenticating SUBSCRIBE and MESSAGE requests.
– Fixed minor bugs (November 9, 2012) – Beta Release
– Improved performance when executing Session Plug-in with TCP/TLS connection.
– Fixed the bug where Record-Route headers in response packets occasionally replaced incorrectly when TLS is used.
– Fixed the bug where $transport, $ifsrc and $ifdst values were cleared if multiple rules were matched.
– Fixed the bug where Mirroring Virtual IP address was not applied as an interface address.
– Fixed the bug where TCP/TLS connecter causes a freeze.
– Fixed minor bugs (August 17, 2012) – Beta Release
– Added Radius port sharing
– Added DialPlan History
– Added DialPlan Concurrent Call Control
– Added the “$goto” method for Deply Patterns in DialPlan
– Added the “$radius.auth” method for Matching Patterns in DialPlan
– Fixed the bug where RTP-relay could not detect timeout
– Fixed the bug where the Failover plug-in forwarded PRACK incorrectly under a certain condition
– Fixed the bug where a spiraled session more than 3 hops cannot be disconnected by server
– Fixed minor bugs (July 20, 2012) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where the Subscribe Session does not accept NOTIFY at times.
– Improved shutdown process
– Fixed minor bugs (June 21, 2012) – Update Release
– Change the default value of IPv6 to “off”
– Change the default value of TLS-handling to “off”
– Change the default value of Check Request-URI’s validity to “off”
– Fixed a bug that the hide loopback didn’t work.
– Fixed the bug where the license randomly resets when the program restarted.
– Fixed minor bugs (May 23, 2012) – Standard Release
– Added Failover plugin
– Increased the default max number of shared SIP session per thread to 50
– Fixed the bug where DNS SRV for load-balancing did not work under certain conditions
– Fixed minor bugs (April 4, 2012) – Beta Release
– Fixed minor bugs (March 20, 2012) – Beta Release
– Add Load Balancing feature using DNS SRV (RFC2782)
– Support DNS SRV for TLS/TCP
– Fixed minor bugs (February 3, 2012) – Beta Release
– Added IPv6 support
– Added TLS support
– Added Radius Pre-Authentication feature
– Added preliminary dial plan settings
– Improved administrative tool
– Improved product performance
– Removed Solaris OS support
– Fixed the bug where timeout didn’t work with TCP handling
– Fixed minor bugs (March 25, 2011) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where Import Users was not working correctly.
– Support Redirection by Failover plugin.
– Fixed the bug where Failover plugin with B2B mode didn’t clear resending packets.
– Added session plug-in for modifying SDP content.
– Fixed the bug where the registrar may not point reachable port number if a user registers over TCP.
– Fixed the bug where the webget will hang if a destination web server doesn’t respond.
– Fixed the bug where a destination of resending “200 OK” responses may differ from the first packet. (October 11, 2010) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where sockets for internal commands remain occasionally.
– Minor changes related to the debug log.
– Improved security for admintool login. (September 17, 2010) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where $request definition in Deploy Patterns did not work.
– Fixed the bug where Upper/Thru registration did not include some headers and parameters.
– Included Failover-Plug-in
– Fixed minor bugs (August 20, 2010) – Update Release
– Added more improvement on security of administrative tool for preventing cross-site request forgery.
– Fixed minor bugs. (June 18, 2010) – Update Release
– Improve security of administrative tool for preventing cross-site request forgery
– Fixed minor bugs. (May 14, 2010) – Update Release
– Improved Alias page.
– Fixed minor bugs. 26, 2010) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where Unregister button failed to respond in multi-domain mode
– Fixed the bug where “Disconnected by System” recorded at call log when the session is not disconnected by system.
– Fixed minor bugs. 18, 2009) – Standard Release
– Fixed minor bugs. 20, 2009) – Beta Release
– Added a SIP monitoring method for Heartbeat.
– Added auto start for Heartbeat.
– Fixed minor bugs. 20, 2009) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where Heartbeat settings failed to send alert email messages.
– Fixed minor bugs. 24, 2009) – Update Release
– New variable for DialPlan
& – If true, SIP server uses the remote IP address to reach UA instead of using Contact URI.
– Fixed minor bugs 22, 2009) – Update Release
– Fixed the bug where Heartbeat settings did not accept Remote Action settings correctly.
– Fixed the bug where Database settings lost the authentication password. 7, 2009) – Standard Release.
– Fixed the bug where agents could not register from Admin GUI.
– Display **** for Password at Heartbeat page.
– Fixed the bug where restore did not work when there is no Heartbeat settings.
– Fixed minor bugs. 17, 2009) – Beta Release
– Minor GUI changes 27, 2009) – Beta Release
– Fixed a bug where the Brekeke SIP Server had the possibility of leaving SIP sessions. 20, 2009) – Alpha Release
– Advanced Edition can handle multiple registration jobs on one thread.
– Advanced Edition can configure Mirroring and Redundancy settings on the GUI.
– Reject invalid REGISTER packets with “400 Bad Request”. 11, 2009) – Version Update
– Default values of authentication for REGISTER and INVITE are “on” 9, 2009) – Version Update
– Fixed a bug where the Brekeke SIP Server Admintool may lose some settings under certain operations. 6, 2009) – Version Update
– Fixed minor bugs. 20, 2008) – Version Update
– Fixed some bugs in the Mirroring-Mode.
– Fixed the bug where the Thread-Sharing did not handle multiple resends correctly.
– Fixed a minor bug in the NAT-detection. 5, 2008) – Official Release
– Fixed some bugs in the Mirroring-Mode.
– Fixed the bug where the SIP server didn’t accept the setting of “RTP relay (UA on this machine)”.
– Improved the NAT detection. 26 2008) – Beta Release
– Advanced Edition can handle multiple SIP sessions on a thread.
– Advanced Edition can pre-create threads for SIP sessions.
– DialPlan’s Deploy Pattern accepts ‘#’ in a rule.
– New variables for DialPlan’s Deploy Pattern
$replaceuri.from – replace From’s SIP-URI
$ – replace To’s SIP-URI
(These defaults are “false”.)
– Fixed the bug where the B2B-UA mode doesn’t handle a spiral correctly.
– Fixed the bug where the registrar doesn’t accept a request if it doesn’t have Contact header. 9, 2008) – Beta Release
– DialPlan’s Matching Pattern accepts the following definitions.
From = sip:user;para1=xxx@addr;para2=yyy (May 5, 2008) – Beta Release
– Support TCP for Upper/Thru registration
– Support TCP for UPnP
– Fixed the bug where SIP exchanger doesn’t handle spiral over TCP.
– DialPlan’s Matching Pattern accepts the following definitions.
To = sip:user;para1=xxx@addr;para2=yyy (March 28, 2008) – Alpha Release
– Fixed the bug where NOTIFY/OPTIONS/MESSAGE messages consume system memory and cause a system to go down.
– More stable TCP connectivity
– Support switching of transport in mid-session.
DialPlan: Response Header Definition (March 7, 2008) – Alpha Release
TCP support
B2B-UA Mode
Included Radius Plug-in. (Radius Authentication Settings available in Advanced Edition Only)
– Fixed the bug where the text message decoding/encoding don’t work with some languages. (February 19, 2008)
– Correctly handle REGISTER request packets containing Contact:*.
– Fixed the bug where configuring 3rd Party Database causes an Alias Database exception. (December 5, 2007)
– Corrected 3xx reponse’s Contact header. (December 3, 2007)
– Fixed minor bugs (October 26, 2007)
– Fixed the bug where the SIP exchanger consumes system memory.
– Fixed the bug where the Upper/Thru Registration feature consumes system memory. (October 4, 2007)
– Fixed minor bugs (September 21, 2007)
Advanced Edition was added to the Product Line (see also Feature Comparison)
– Added ability to modify SDP’s addresses using the DialPlan
– Fixed minor bugs

[Advanced Edition]
– Added Alias Database management through the Admintool
– Added Web/SOAP DialPlan Interfaces
– Added theMultiple Targets Failover
– Ability to chnage User-Agent/Server headers- (July 31, 2007)
– Handles the telephone-subscriber format
– Includes Alias plug-in
– The Deploy Pattern can set $request as the new request line
– Fixed minor bugs (May 22, 2007)
– Fixed the bug wher NAT-Keep-Alive feature monopolizes system resources
– Fixed the bug where the [Disconnect] button does not close second-spiralled sessions
– Fixed minor bugs (May 4, 2007)
– Supports spiral (legal loop)
– Manages Multiple Domains through the Admin tool
– Allows editing of property files through the Admin tool
– Fixed minor bugs (Mar 20, 2007)
– Fixed a bug that missing Email field prevents user data import.
– Fixed a minor bug (Feb 14, 2007)
– Fixed a bug that CANCEL requests might contain updated “sent-by” value.
– Fixed a minor bug (Jan 10, 2007)
– Registered Clients page now shows User Agent names.
– Checks the router’s existence frequently.
– Fixed a bug that the SIP Server missed a URI-parameter.
– Fixed a minor bug Beta (Dec 5, 2006)
– Cache the UPnP port mappings.
– Status page shows the peak number of sessions. Beta (Nov 10, 2006)
– Supports UPnP for detecting a router and its global IP address, and making the port mapping.
– Ability to specify the pattern of additional external IP addresses.
– Ability to search the string from the SDP by using the DialPlan. Beta (Oct 06,2006)
-Supports “multipart/mixed” content type. Beta (Sept 11,2006)
– Added the Dial Plan plug-in interface
– Added the redirection feature (by sending 3xx response)
– Added the Multiple Domains mode
– Added the IP address filtering
– Supports DNS SRV for detecting a session destination
– Supports Multiple Transport types (not only “RTP/AVP”)
– Minor bug fixes Alpha (Aug 23, 2006)
– Fixed a Minor bug Alpha (Aug 14, 2006)
– Added sub-menu “Miscellaneous” in menu “Config”
– From this version on, SIP listening port can be any other UDP port beside port 5060 and
TCP port for embedded HSQL database connection can be any other TCP port beside port 9001
– Added List Filter to “Registered”
– Added List Filter to “Session”
– Added List Filter to “Call Log Viewer”
– Added Dial Plan check box to hide disabled rules
– Ability to IMPORT dial plan rules
– Ability to EXPORT dial plan rules
– Ability to EXPORT Users in “Authentication” (July 31, 2006)
– Fixed the bug that stops server running when logging off Windows
– Can handle different SIP “Content-Type” header (April 10, 2006)
– Replaced the new icon (Jan 4, 2006)
– Fixed a bug that the setting of [ Add ‘rport’ parameter] in [Config] menu > [SIP(General)} > [NAT Traversal] > [ Add ‘rport’ parameter] didn’t work. (Dec 16, 2005)
– Fixed a bug that replacing TO header defined in Deploy pattern didn’t work for some cases.
– Fixed a bug that timestamp display didn’t show correctly when talking hadn’t started yet. Beta (Nov 30, 2005)
– Fixed a bug that OnDO SIP Server didn’t decrement the number of sessions at the end of a session when a session-plugin’s first method returned any error code for the session.
– Changed so that Talking-end record in the OnDO SIP Server Log and in the session-plugin (includes Radius accounting plugin) are triggered at the same time; i.e. when the server receives BYE request. Beta (Nov 17, 2005)
– Fixed a bug that a request-uri was not replaced in a certain case.
– Fixed a bug that Thru Registration didn’t work when a target SIP server and a registrar were different.
– Fixed a bug that the calculation of a session time length was wrong when actual session time is over 2 days.
– Supports any kind of OS locale.
– The Deploy Pattern accepts “To=sip:user@” for accessing registered user. Alpha (Nov 9, 2005)
– Fixed that OnDO SIP Server admintool didn’t run properly when OnDO SIP server is
binded to a specific IP address Beta (Oct 19, 2005)
– Payload type (codec type) of RTP packets is displayed in Admintool > [Session Detail]
page when RTP packets are relayed at OnDO SIP Server.
– Added a Dial plan method to check whether a certain user is registered or not in
Matching pattern.
– Added a Dial Plan method to specify a certain registered user in Deploy Pattern.
– Added a feature to bind OnDO SIP Server to a specific IP address Beta (Sept 20, 2005)
– Added NAT traversal feature of Video Beta (Aug 19, 2005)
– Added an option to include a public IP address in Via: headers. Default value = off.
– Fixed a bug that [time-inviting] showed incorrect time in a Session Detail information.
– Changed the default interval of DNS cache to 3600 seconds (1 hour). Beta (July 29, 2005)
– Added Session-Plugin interface for Accounting (Aug 19, 2005)
– General release (Stable version) Beta (July 20, 2005)
– OnDO SIP Server reconnects database after losing connection. (Jun 27, 2005)
– Removed the setting items [Across NAT] and [Register here]
from “Upper Registration” and “Thru Registration” Settings.
The values of these setting items are always true. Beta (May 02, 2005)
– Added an option to store passwords in plain text
– Minor bug fixes Beta (Apr 14, 2005)
– Fixed a bug that [Auth-user=user in “From:” (Invite)] didn’t work.
– Fixed a bug that OSS didn’t send packets to close the session after
Ringing Timeout error.
– Supports multiple Connection Information in SDP. Connection Information
“c=” in media description will be used as a highest priority
– Change the default value of the property net.sip.replacecontact = true Beta (Mar 21. 2005)
– a minor bug fix Beta (Mar 18, 2005)
– Supports the session of SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY
– Supports the session of REFER/NOTIFY
– Supports FQDN (host & domain name) as Interface address at Admintool (Supports Dynamic IP address)
– Supports display name in the FROM header at the dial plan rule.
– Changed the max number of REGISTER requests to handle simultaneously to unlimited
– Fixed a bug that the total number of sessions shown at Admintool was not the actual number of sessions
– The branch parameter of CANCEL is adjusted to the same value as INVITE’s branch.
– When the session goes through NAT, its Contact header will be changed automatically. Beta (Jan 19, 2005)
– Fixed a bug for outbound calls Beta (Jan 18, 2005)
– Presence (experimental)
– REFER (experimental) (Dec 15, 2004)
– Fixed a CANCEL problem for INVITE.
– Fixed a REGISTER problem that happened when Contact header is ‘*’. (Nov 22, 2004)
– General release with fixed minor bugs Beta (Nov 09, 2004)
– Automatic optimization of registered/user database is added
– Fixed Far-end NAT traversal bugs Beta (Sep 24, 2004)
– Fixed Minor bugs Beta (Sep 09, 2004)
– Fixed Minor bugs Beta (Aug 31, 2004)
– Updated OSS to support new OnDO PBX functions
– Fixed Minor bugs (July 08, 2004)
– General Release stable Version with multiple fixed bugs Beta (May 31, 2004)
– Fixed Minor bugs Beta (May 14, 2004)
– Added Authentication for INVITE and MESSAGE requests.
– Supports multiple steps of REGISTER request authentication
– Supports Compact Form
– Returns 200 OK for unregister request Beta (Mar 29, 2004)
– Added Far-end NAT traversal solution
– Added an import method of Authentication information.
– Added Settings in [Configuration] menu

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