Brekeke SIP Server Wiki

Third-Party Database

This section describes steps needed to use a third party database instead of using the embedded database in Brekeke SIP Server. You can add or modify the database from your own database management tool.

Brekeke SIP Server uses the following database tables.

Table Name Purpose
t_registered Registered Table
This table stores the data of registered user agents. The data will be updated by REGISTER requests and used for the session routing.
t_userdir Users Table
This table stores authentication data of users.
t_alias Alias Table
This table stores alias data.
Note: Alias Database is available in Advanced Edition only.


Phone Book Tables

Those tables store phone book data.



Block Tables

Those tables store blocked node/user data.

*Those tables will be created automatically when the third-pary database is enabled on BSS on settings.

t_pn_device Push Notification Table

* “Push Notification” license option is needed to use PN features.

Push Notification >>

*The tables will be created automatically when the third-pary database is enabled on BSS settings.


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Note: The following sections are using MySQL as an example but other databases can be used in a similar way.


Step 1. Create Tables on Third-Party Database

1. Create Database

2. Create the Registered Table

3. Create the Users Table

4. Create the Alias Table

5. Create the Phone Book Tables


Step 2. Brekeke SIP Server settings for Third-Party Database

BSS settings for Third-Party DB


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